Our Capacity Building Support from LA County

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Our 2018 - 2019 year kicked off with multiple capacity building support offers from The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

In July, we received a sponsorship from the office of 1st District Supervisor, Hilda Solis, providing us the opportunity to develop a new 3-year strategic plan with consultants from Executive Service Corps. This nine-month program will guide our executive director and board of directors through multiple training sessions that will result in us producing detailed organizational goals, objectives, and action plans through 2022.

Additionally, PLUS ME also received a sponsorship to participate in 2nd District's Capacity Building and Leadership Development Program. This program hosted by Mark Ridley Thomas' office and Community Partners helps small to mid-size organizations achieve greater organizational sustainability, programmatic effectiveness, and financial strength. Through eight monthly training and coaching sessions, we will strengthen and expand PLUS ME's capacity to serve its constituents.

We are honored to have earned their support and look forward to building our capacity and growing our impact throughout the year!

Richard Reyes